Subject Leaders
At Whitley, our teachers oversee the curriculum subjects, sometimes forming Subject Teams.
They are responsible for creating the rationale and intent for their subject area.
They then check that all teachers are implementing this intent and monitor their subject(s) closely.
They check that the impact of their subject is evident in pupil's books and when speaking to the children themselves.
Subject Staff leaders 2023 - 2024
English - Miss Keegan (Early Reading & Phonics) & Miss Baines
Maths - Mrs Downey & Mrs Priddey (First 4 Maths)
Science - Mr David
Design and Technology - Miss Bostock
History - Miss Baines
Geography - Miss Baines
Art and design - Miss Bostock
Music - Miss Keegan
Physical education (PE), including swimming* - Mrs Downey
Computing - Mr David
Modern foreign languages (French) - Miss Keegan
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) - Mrs Downey
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) - Mrs Downey
Religious Education (RE) - Miss Keegan