RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and Health Education
At Whitley Village School, we aspire to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for our learners that also involves an all-inclusive RSE (relationships and sex education) and Health scheme of work. We have RSE lessons from EYFS up to year 6 and follow the Christopher Winter Project (CWP) resource ‘Teaching SRE with Confidence in Primary Schools’. This resource reflects the recent developments in RSE and the Science National Curriculum and has been quality assured by the PSHE Association.
Our curriculum aims to develop our pupil’s knowledge and skills as they learn about the physical and emotional changes of puberty and about reproduction.
Our RSE programme is delivered during the summer term and we communicate with parents before the start date to fully inform parents and carers how the scheme will be delivered. Parents and carers are welcome to view all of our curriculum materials at any time by contacting Mrs Broom, and are welcome to discuss any aspects with us prior to the delivery of this learning