Whitley School Day

The school day runs from 8:45am - 3:15pm (6.5 hours per day)


Gates will  be open from 8:35 – 8:45am each morning

Pupilswill enter on to the playgrouns with parents and staff will come to the playground at 8:35am and be available to parents for 10 minutes before the bell is rung and pupils enter school to promptly being their first lesson. 

The gates will lock promptly at 8:45am. 

At this point, if you are late arriving, you will need to bring your child through the main entrance doors, where you will be required to provide details of the reason for your lateness.


Arrival at or after 8:55am will be LATE and children will receive an 'L' in the register. 

Arrival at or after 9:25am will be an UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE and children will receive a 'U' in ther register.


End of the school day:

The gate will be unlocked at 3:10pm and parents can make their way on to the playgrounds where children will be released at 3:15pm and matched up with awaiting adults.


Year 5 and 6 children will be allowed to walk home alone, as long as we have had this confirmed by parents.

We would love to hear from you
Whitley Village Primary School
Village lane, Lower Whitley, WA4 4QH
The Rowan Learning Trust
18 Beecham Court, Goose Green, Wigan, WN3 6PR
Whitley Village School is a member of the Rowan Learning Trust. Company No. 8010464, Reg. Office: 18 Beecham Court, Goose Green, Wigan, WN3 6PR

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